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Letter: Indian farmers fight discrimination

"Activist Eloise Cobell has brought to light the unbridled actions of the Department of Interior. As a former client of the FmHA, I, too, experienced first hand the handling of my "borrowed money" and consequently went broke. This was the seed that germinated into the Native American Farmers and Ranchers vs USDA alleging discrimination for the last 20 years. We are now in the seventh year of litigating and stand ready to fight "until the cows come home."

Indian ranchers pretty much stay ranchers as they understand the benefits of raising cattle and kids, and the end products are rewards only country people understand and cherish. Looking back, Montana has sent "country boys" to the "Hill," and they made America better for us all. Then how is it that America let the Indian ranchers fall through the cracks?

Being a rancher on "hold" and having your ranch become the property of your tribe after making a living on it for 20 years is a bitter pill to swallow because tribal governments are fashioned after our "Great White Father's" rules. The abuses have caused productive ranchers to become "homeless.""

Get the Story:
Gus Helgeson: Cobell, Indian ranchers battle federal bureaucracy (The Billings Gazette 8/8)

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