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Humor: All the Indian roles are taken by Italians

"Nobody who works in the industry endures more rejections than an actor. I should know. I've been an actor and comic for more than 40 years and have probably been turned down more times than a blanket. But as bad as these rejections have been, they don't compare to what an ethnic actor goes through.

Years ago, I had an actor friend, John, who happened to be a Native American. We were having lunch one day when he said: "Howie, things are OK with me now. But when I first came out here back in the '40s, I couldn't get a job. I went over to Republic studios. They were doing hundreds of westerns then. I figured I'm a cinch to get an Indian part.

"Sorry," the casting director tells me. "You don't look Indian enough."

"I don't look Indian enough? I happen to be a full-blooded Sioux!"

"So what? You still don't look Indian enough."

"So if I don't look Indian enough, who does?"



"You heard me. We only use Italians for Indian parts. They look more Indian than the Indians."

"Well, if Italians are doing Indian parts, maybe I could play an Italian."

"No, we use other people for the Italian parts.""

Get the Story:
Howard Mann: If You Want a Mobster Role, You Need to Go to Temple (The Los Angeles Times 7/23)