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Arts & Entertainment
Fight over Indian museum in Los Angeles festers

The Southwest Museum of the American Indian in Los Angeles won't be celebrating its 100th anniversary next year. On June 30, its doors will be closed, leaving supporters worried about the future of their neighborhood institution.

The Autry National Center bought the Southwest to save it from financial ruin. But the Autry says it hasn't found a way to keep the museum alive without making some major changes to the site.

Some of the changes are welcomed by supporters. The 240,000-item collection will be cleaned and catalogued. The building will undergo some needed renovations.

But other changes are being questioned. The Autry plans to reopen the site but says only part of it will be used as a museum. The majority of the collection will be housed at the Autry's complex in a different part of the city.

Get the Story:
Gene Autry's Legacy and an Indian Museum Merge (and Collide) (The New York Times 6/28)

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Southwest Museum of the American Indian -

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Future of Indian museum in Los Angeles debated (6/26)