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Tunica-Biloxi chairman marks 20 years in office

The Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana held a celebration in honor of Earl Barbry Sr., who has served 20 consecutive years as chairman.

Barbry, 56, attended his first tribal council meeting at age 18, when he persuaded tribal leaders not to lease the reservation for a dump for $50 a month. Ten years later, he ran for chairman and has overseen the tribe through its successful federal recognition bid, the opening of a casino and the return of tribal artifacts.

"I've never regretted my time as chairman," Barby said at a luncheon held in his honor, The Alexandria Town Talk reported. "Not for one moment. When I go to Washington D.C. or to Baton Rouge, they like to say 'no,' or you can't do that. Well, I haven't taken no for an answer. We've shown we'll get the job done, and we'll do it our way."

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Barbry's Tunica-Biloxi reign celebrated (The Alexandra Town Talk 4/23)

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