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Navajo woman indicted for theft of federal funds

A federal grand jury in Arizona indicted a member of the Navajo Nation on April 11 for embezzling federal funds meant for a tribal program.

Elyse Hongeva, of Tuba City, Arizona, is accused of setting up a bank account in the name of her employer, the Navajo Nation Work Force Development Program. She allegedly used the account to deposit checks totaling $191,152.48.

The money was intended for the tribal program but the indictment alleges Hongeva withdrew a total of $187,883 to pay for personal and family expenses

Hongeva is scheduled to be arraigned in federal court in Phoenix on April 26. She faces a maximum of ten years and a $250,000 to $500,000 fine if convicted.

Relevant Documents:
Indictment: US v. Hongeva (April 11, 2006)