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Soboba Band sues to protect ancient village

The Soboba Band of Luise�o Indians filed suit against the city of San Jacinto, California, over a housing development being build on top of an ancient tribal village.

The tribe says the city hasn't done enough to protect the 240-acre site where ancestors and artifacts have been found. "Artifacts are still being excavated and nothing is being done to protect them," Soboba Chairman Robert Salgado told The Riverside Press-Enterprise.

The city says it has worked closely with the tribe and hired a monitor to oversee excavation. The tribe also brought in an archaeologist.

The site is being used by KB Homes to build 498 single-family homes.

In related Soboba Band news, the tribe re-elected Salgado, incumbent Rose Murillo and newcomer Geneva Mojado to the council. Vice chairman Scott Cozart did not get enough votes to stay on the council.

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Tribe sues over ancient site (The Riverside Press-Enterprise 3/23)
Tribe elects new officers (The Riverside Press-Enterprise 3/23)

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Soboba Band of Luise�o Indians -

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