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Judge accuses Native leaders of blackmail, corruption

A judge in Canada has issued a strong ruling against leaders of the Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba, accusing them of blackmail and influence peddling.

Justice Pierre Blais of the Federal Court of Canada decried the actions of former chief Ron Evans and other council members. He said they interfered with the democratic process and cut off the salary of Marcel Balfour, a council member who brought the case after he was unable to carry out his duties.

Balfour asked for his rival council members to be removed from office but Blais declined. Blais did order the tribe to pay Balfour's withheld salary.

Evans is now head of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. He said he will appeal the decision.

Get the Story:
Grand chief found guilty of blackmail (The Winnipeg Sun 2/22)
Band council involved in 'influence peddling, blackmail': court (CBC 2/21)

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