Editorial: Don't turn Sitting Bull grave into tourist site

"Sitting Bull�s grave site and memorial to become a tourist attraction? There�s almost something unseemly about that.

Bryan Defender of McLaughlin and Rhett Albers of Mobridge bought the property last year from an Oregon man and plan to restore the site, eventually developing a visitor or cultural center. They�ve asked a South African sculptor to create a bronze bust of Sitting Bull that they can sell to raise money for their efforts.

The monument now is a lonely, wind-swept site � but also peaceful and dignified � where admirers often leave flowers, tobacco or sage.

Despite the obvious need for cleanup, there�s still something special about the monument to the honored Lakota leader. It�s going to be tough to match that dignity with some sort of visitors center that surely will be selling trinkets and mementos. If this is to happen, do it right."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Sitting Bull's grave deserves honor, respect (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 1/22)

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