Lakota Code Talker speaks about military service (November 17, 2005)

Clarence Wolfguts, one of two surviving Lakota code talkers in South Dakota, gave a speech at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Sioux Falls. Wolfguts, a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, served in the Army for three years...

House passes Pueblo criminal jurisdiction bill (November 17, 2005)

The House has joined the Senate in passing a bill to clarify jurisdiction on Pueblo lands in New Mexico. The bill addresses a void in jurisdiction that has surfaced in recent years. It was unclear which sovereign has authority to...

FBI releases information on homicide suspect (November 17, 2005)

The FBI released new information about Michael Johnson, the fourth suspect in a triple homicide on the Navajo Nation. The FBI said Johnson, 26, may be with his girlfriend, Nashena Johnson, and their 2-year-old daughter. Neither Nashena nor the...

Mississippi Choctaws pay tribute to veterans (November 17, 2005)

The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians paid tribute to veterans during a special program on Veterans Day. Kenneth Dixon, a former Vietnam prisoner of war, was presented with a certificate of retirement. He spent his whole life in military service....

Opinion: NCAA policy won't end offensive behavior (November 17, 2005)

"[W]hy the focus on Native Americans? Are they the only group that gets offended? I imagine that University of Miami fans wince every time they hear a �Go Hurricanes!� chant after a category five just tore through their area. What...

Tribal leaders recall Deloria as powerful advocate (November 17, 2005)

Tribal and Indian leaders recalled Vine Deloria Jr. as one of the most powerful advocates for Indian rights. "Vine Deloria will always be remembered as one of the superb tribal leaders of our time and one of the most effective...

Vine Deloria funeral set for Friday in Colorado (November 17, 2005)

Funeral services for Vine Deloria Jr. will take place Friday, November 18, in Golden, Colorado. Deloria, 72, died in Golden. The services will be held at 3:30pm in the Mount Vernon Event Center. Deloria was a member of the Standing...

Jodi Rave: Deloria represented human adventure (November 17, 2005)

"A traditional healer on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota reminded my family that death can inspire both sorrow and hope. Our family would lose a loved one, the medicine man said. But he reminded us: We are not...

Opinion: Deloria introduced us to Indian Country (November 17, 2005)

"At a time when Americans could use a few laughs to help a lot of bad medicine go down, we have lost one of our wisest wits. Vine Deloria Jr., a Standing Rock Sioux who authored more than 20 books...

State jurisdiction at issue in Wyoming murder case (November 17, 2005)

Attorneys for a member of the Northern Arapaho Tribe are questioning whether the state of Wyoming has jurisdiction to try him for murder. Andrew John Yellowbear is facing the death penalty in Fremont County for the murder of Marcella Hope...

New Mexico tribe's stance on reburials is questioned (November 17, 2005)

A column being published in The Santa Fe New Mexican questions whether Tesuque Pueblo's opposition to a civic center is based on economic, rather than religions, reasons. Joe Schepps, a real-estate developer, supports the civic center in downtown Santa Fe....

Column: 'Redskins' a mascot of Indian genocide (November 17, 2005)

"The most die-hard Redskins fans no doubt understand. To them, making a mascot out of a people that were nearly exterminated on their homeland is the ultimate show of respect. Makes all the schizophrenic sense in the world. Orin Starn,...

Column: Indians don't care about Indian mascots (November 17, 2005)

"We've all heard the pleas for sports teams to leave behind the derisive nicknames of another era. And perhaps we can agree that there's little defense for some names. Take, for example, the Southeastern Oklahoma State University Savages. (Women's teams:...

Four Abramoff associates were asked to resign (November 17, 2005)

Four associates of disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff were asked to resign from the Greenberg Traurig firm after they received side payments in violation of firm policy, The Daily Business Review reports. The lobbyists were Kevin Ring, John Van Horne,...

Editorial: Influence peddling in Washington (November 17, 2005)

"Little did Representative Tom DeLay and other lawmakers dream that in frolicking on the golf junkets of Jack Abramoff, the indicted Republican superlobbyist, the influential politicians might, in effect, be caddying for his avaricious lobbying reach. It turns out that...

GOP Senator: Taking tribal money 'illegal' (November 17, 2005)

Sen. Jim Talent (R-Missouri) returned a $2,000 donation from Jack Abramoff because he believes the disgraced lobbyist got the money via "illegal" means, The Northland Sun-News reports. "If you are taking a million dollars from Indian tribes, I can't...

Lawmakers intervened on behalf of Abramoff (November 17, 2005)

A total of 27 lawmakers, mostly Republicans but some Democrats, intervened on behalf of disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff as the took money from his wealthy tribal clients, the Associated Press reports. The lawmakers wrote to Interior Secretary Gale Norton, pressuring...

Audio: Italia Federici testifies before Senate panel (November 17, 2005)

Italia Federici testified today for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee's hearing on the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal [Link]. You can listen to an audio of the hearing in MP3 format. The introductory remarks of Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), the...