Court allows residential school abuse class action (May 13, 2005)

Canada's Supreme Court on Thursday rejected an appeal of a $2.3 billion class action filed by former students of a Native residential school. The former students say they were abused at the Mohawk Institute Residential School in an attempt to...

Tribal sovereignty must be respected, court rules (May 13, 2005)

STATE RAID: Troopers pin tribal members on the ground during raid of the Narragansett Reservation on July 14, 2003. The state of Rhode Island violated the Narragansett Tribe's sovereignty during a highly-publicized raid of the reservation nearly two years...

Opinion: Tide has turned for Indians in Montana (May 13, 2005)

"Indian tribes have watched governors come and go in Montana. Some of them came to the reservation on the campaign trail promising to remember Indian issues once they got into office. They seldom came back. Indian issues were forgotten. Has...

Bush finally steps up for Crow Creek Tribe's school (May 13, 2005)

The Bush administration on Thursday announced it will provide up to $1.3 million to help the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of South Dakota recover from a fire that destroyed the student dormitory. Interior Secretary Gale Norton said the administration...

Chumash Tribe makes new land-into-trust request (May 13, 2005)

The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians has filed a second land-into-trust application in Santa Barbara County. The tribe is asking the Bureau of Indian Affairs to acquire less than six acres in trust. The land is contiguous to some...

Indian park superintendent uses post to educate (May 13, 2005)

Gerard Baker, a member of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, is probably the highest ranking Native American in the National Park Service. Baker is the first Indian superintendent of Mount Rushmore National Monument in South Dakota. He accepted the...

Editorial: Si Tanka bankruptcy hurts businesses (May 13, 2005)

"The former Huron University was purchased in 2001 by Si Tanka University, a tribal college of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. Persistent financial troubles, including counting on federal money that wasn't due them, caused Si Tanka to close and file...

Lincoln Indian Center names Omaha man as director (May 13, 2005)

Clyde Tyndall, a member of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, has been named the new director of the Lincoln Indian Center. Tyndall, 56, hopes to make economic development a priority. "I'd like to help Indian people get into the business...

More money slated for Natives and law enforcement (May 13, 2005)

The Saskatchewan government says it will spend $48 million (Canadian) to implement recommendations of the Commission on First Nations and M�tis Peoples and Justice Reform. In June 2004, the commission released a report [PDF] that made 120 recommendation aimed at...

Native people won't be ignored by Queen, says official (May 13, 2005)

Native people in Alberta are playing a key role in the Queen of England's upcoming royal visit, the province's aboriginal affairs minister said. Pearl Calahasen said her office has worked to ensure that Native people are part of "festivities." But...

New study cites alarming rates of Native HIV cases (May 13, 2005)

HIV/AIDS cases among Native people in British Columbia are set to explode on First Nation reserves, a forthcoming study warns. The explosion is being tied to drug use. In 2003, the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS found that...

Harjo: Native people, like 'extinct' bird, survive (May 13, 2005)

"The honorable ivory-billed woodpecker has returned from the dead and is living in a wildlife refuge in the Big Woods of eastern Arkansas. It seemed to disappear in 1944 and was long presumed extinct. This spirit bird's reappearance 60 years...

BIA refutes criticism of land-into-trust checklist (May 13, 2005)

The Bureau of Indian Affairs official who issued a new land-into-trust checklist referred to objections from the state of Connecticut as "incomprehensible," Indian Country Today reports. George Skibine, the acting principal deputy secretary for economic development and policy, issued the...

Passamaquoddy Tribe to weigh new gas terminal site (May 13, 2005)

The Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine is being asked to approve an agreement to host a liquefied natural gas terminal at a new site after the first one on the Pleasant Point Reservation was rejected. Quoddy Bay LLC, an Oklahoma firm,...

Sheriff's ties to Seminole Tribe under more scrutiny (May 13, 2005)

A Florida county sheriff under state investigation for possible corruption in relation to the shooting of Seminole lawyer Jim Shore is facing a federal probe into his ties with the Seminole Tribe, The Miami Herald reports. Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne's...

14 states file brief in Supreme Court tribal tax case (May 13, 2005)

Fourteen states have filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to allow states to impose gasoline taxes on tribes and tribal members engaged in off-reservation activities. The brief was filed in Richards v. Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation [Docket...

Group wants county smoking law enforced on tribe (May 13, 2005)

An anti-sovereignty group in New York plans to file a lawsuit against state officials in order to enforce a county public smoking ban on the Oneida Nation. Upstate Citizens for Equality will sue the Oneida County health department officials in...

Democrats won't budge on Myers, other nominees (May 13, 2005)

Senate Democrats offered on Thursday to confirm four of President Bush's judicial nominees but are continuing the fight against Bill Myers and other controversial picks. Democrats offered votes on three nominees to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, which hears...

Column: Tribal bucks went to Republican interests (May 13, 2005)

"Jack Abramoff won�t make the May 12 Salute to Tom DeLay banquet at the Capitol Hilton. Oddly, it�s because of the money that Abramoff is not welcome at the DeLay tribute. Jack got a little carried away. He is currently...

Grand jury in Abramoff probe subpoenas Democrats (May 13, 2005)

A federal grand jury investigating disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff has subpoenaed records of two Democrats who tried to help the Tigua Tribe of Texas reopen its casino, The New York Times reports. Brian Lunde, a former executive director of the...

GOP group funneled tribal money to anti-gamblers (May 13, 2005)

Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative anti-tax group headed by Republican activist Grover Norquist, took $1.5 million from tribes and funneled $1.15 million of it to anti-gambling groups fighting tribes, The Boston Globe reports. Norquist told the paper that the...

Albert White Hat reflects on Lakota language (May 13, 2005)

Albert White Hat Sr., a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, has been a Lakota language instructor for 25 years. He recently spoke of his efforts at United Tribes Technical College in North Dakota. "Language is a...