Haskell graduate among three killed in apartment fire

Yolanda Riddle, a member of the Navajo Nation and a graduate of Haskell Indian Nations University, was among three people killed in an apartment complex fire in Lawrence, Kansas.

Riddle earned an associate's degree from Haskell, a bachelor�s degree from Kansas University and a master's from Washington University. She was employed as a social worker for the state of Kansas.

Friends, family and colleagues remember Riddle as a person with a big heart and a big smile. �She would come over and give you a big hug exactly when you needed one,� a foster parent assigned to Riddle told The Lawrence Journal-World. "The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Yolanda is not a word, but a smile," said Dan Wildcat, a Haskell professor who taught Riddle.

Riddle was March 1, 1972, in Wichita. She leaves behind a father, a sister and a half-sister.

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Three times the tragedy (The Lawrence Journal-World 10/16)