Newspaper back for Chippewa Cree Tribe meetings

The Havre Daily News in Montana is no longer barred from attending the Chippewa Cree Tribe's council meetings.

The paper had been barred after publishing a story about proposed changes to the tribe's constitution. Some council members apparently didn't like the article and said they had a right to exclude the media from the meetings.

But Chairman John "Chance" Houle changed his mind and said the tribe wants to have a good relationship with the media. Other council members said they didn't object to the newspaper's presence.

Houle is implementing changes, such as publishing the agendas in advance. to make the council meetings more open to the public.

Get the Story:
Tribes says newspaper will be allowed back into council meetings (AP 9/20)
Chairman reopens meetings to HDN (The Havre Daily News 9/19)

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