Ross Swimmer to appear on Native America Calling

Ed. Note: These MP3 files will remain posted only until Native America Calling archives the show on its website.
First Half - 23:06 - 3.96MB | Second Half - 28:07 - 4.82MB
Special Trustee Ross Swimmer appeared on the nationally-broadcast radio program Native America Calling today.

During the one-hour program, Swimmer gave an update on the latest developments at the Office of Special Trustee. OST has opened a national call center for Indian beneficiaries and has hired dozens of fiduciary trust officers to work at the local level.

Swimmer is a presidential appointee who has been in charge of OST since April 2003.

The program can be accessed on the Internet at

Relevant Links:
Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton -
Office of Special Trustee -

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