Old reservation bombing range being cleaned up

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is cleaning up an old bombing range on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota.

The military used a 534-square-mile site on the reservation as a bombing range from 1942 to about 1963. Pilots dropped hundreds of bombs, about 150 of which have been removed since 1999.

Once the site is cleaned up, the tribe hopes to use it for campgrounds, a museum and places where visitors can learn about Lakota history and culture. Tribal members who used to live on the land also might return.

Get the Story:
Tribe Wants Reservation Purged of Ordnance (AP 7/30)

Relevant Links:
Oglala Sioux Tribe - http://www.lakotamall.com/oglalasiouxtribe
Department of Defense Native American Environmental Tracking System - https://naets.usace.army.mil/web/Home.cfm
Ordnance and Explosives Directorate - http://www.hnd.usace.army.mil/oew

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Oglala Sioux Tribe discusses bombing range cleanup (04/15)
Study: Old military sites pose risk to tribes (11/29)