Lawmakers name California Indian Heritage Month

The California Legislature has passed a resolution to designate November as California Indian Heritage Month.

Sponsored by State Sen. Jim Battin, a Republican from La Quinta, the bill passed the Assembly on July 5 and the Senate on May 26. It recognizes the significant impact that California Indians have had on the state's economy, history and culture.

�California�s Indian nations have made tremendous contributions to the strength and diversity of our society, and tribal self-determination continues to be a top priority of mine. Recognizing their achievements is important, and I am honored to have once again carried this significant legislation,� Battin said.

The text of the resolution as as follows:



INTRODUCED BY Senator Battin
FEBRUARY 10, 2005

Relative to California Indian Heritage Month.

SCR 18, Battin. Native Americans: California Indian Heritage Month.

This measure would proclaim November 2005 as California Indian Heritage Month, encourage its observance with activities that celebrate our uniqueness as Americans, and commend California Indian nations for their outstanding contributions to this state.

WHEREAS, President George W. Bush proclaimed November 2003 as National American Indian Heritage Month in recognition of American Indians and Alaskan Natives; and

WHEREAS, California Indians, through their rich cultural traditions and proud ancestry, have made vital contributions to the strength and diversity of our society; and

WHEREAS, In recognition of the sovereignty of the California Indian nations to be self-governing, self-supporting, and self-reliant, we are working to protect and enhance tribal resources; and

WHEREAS, As of the last census, over 330,000 American Indians were living in California, more than any other state; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature proclaims that the month of November 2005 be recognized as California Indian Heritage Month, encourages the observance of this event with activities that celebrate our uniqueness as Americans, and takes this opportunity to commend California Indian nations for their outstanding contributions to this great state; and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.