Senate apologizes for blocking anti-lynching laws

Indianz.Com Listening Lounge:
Note: These are all MP3 files.
Introduction - 2:10 - 889k
Opening Statement by Sen. John McCain

Sen. Sam Brownback - 9:17 - 3.71MB
Testimony by sponsor of resolution

Panel I - 33:30 - 13.4MB
Testimony by Tex Hall, Ed Thomas and Negiel Bigpond, Sr.

Complete Hearing - 44:57 - 18.0MB

Senate Video Link:
Real Video: Complete Hearing
The Senate passed, by unanimous consent, a resolution on Monday that apologizes to African-Americans for the chamber's refusal to make lynching a federal crime.

Between 1920 and 1940, the House passed three anti-lynching bills. But members of the Senate employed filibusters to keep the laws off the books.

"[A]n apology offered in the spirit of true repentance moves the United States toward reconciliation and may become central to a new understanding, on which improved racial relations can be forged," S.J.Res.39 states.

The Senate is currently considering S.J.Res.15, a resolution to apologize to Native peoples for their treatment by the U.S. government.

Get the Story:
Senate Apologizes for Lynching-Ban Delays (AP 6/14)
Senate Issues Apology Over Failure on Lynching Law (The New York Times 6/14)

Relevant Documents:
Witness List / Written Testimony | Sen. Sam Brownback Statement on Senate Floor | Text of S.J.Res.15 [As introduced] | H.J.Res.3

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