Critic: 'Into the West' unlike anything you've seen
Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Denver Rocky Mountain News broadcasting critic Dusty Saunders gives his thumbs-up to "Into the West," the TNT mini-series that debuts on Friday.
"Forget all the TV shootout heroics of Matt Dillon and Wyatt Earp and dialogue like 'They went thataway.' Dismiss those cowboy-and-Indian flicks where the American Indians (often played by white actors) muttered 'Ugh . . . ' and then talked in broken English," Saunders writes. Anyone old enough to remember TV's Wagon Train? That was a Disneyland ride compared to the cross-country trek provided by Into the West, TNT's sprawling, six-episode, 12-hour epic miniseries in which Steven Spielberg served as executive producer."
Saunders says the series appears to accurately portray the tribal point of view. The series follows a Lakota and white family.
Among other Native actors, the series stars Irene Bedard, Russell Means, Eric
Schweig, brothers Eddie and Michael Spears and Sheila Tousey. [
IMDB Entry].
Part 1, "Wheel to the Stars," debuts on Friday. Check local listings for
time and channel.
Get the Story:
Tale of two families
(The Denver Rocky Mountain News 6/8)
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'Into the West' mini-series debuts on Friday
'Into the West'
series to debut next week on TNT (5/31)