Editorial: Not all 'Indian' mascots are offensive

"The guardians of ethnic sensitivities are at it again.

An NCAA review of American Indian nicknames -- the second in three years -- includes scrutiny of the Central Michigan University Chippewas.

The exploration extends to 30 member universities, whose names range from nods to local tribes to denigrating or outright racist terms such as the Southeastern Oklahoma Savages and the Carthage (Wis.) Redmen.

Those mascots deserve a critical look.

Yet the Chippewa moniker for CMU athletics teams is not intended as an offense. Nor do most members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe take it as one. The tribe has approved CMU's use of the term and has a healthy relationship with the campus.

The same is true for the Florida State University Seminoles, whose local Seminole tribe taught the college to incorporate its cultural imagery in pregame activities. Utah's Utes have tribal sanction, as well."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Judge names case-by-case (The Saginaw News 5/31)

Relevant Links:
Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee - http://www1.ncaa.org/eprise/main/

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