Listening Lounge: SCIA hearing on apology resolution

Welcome to the Listening Lounge! Here you will find audio recordings of the May 25, 2005, Senate Indian Affairs Committee oversight hearing on S.J.Res.15, the U.S. apology resolution.

Download them to your iPod, Rio or other mobile audio player. Or listen to them in your office later. Add your own commentary if you like!

All the files are in MP3 format, 56 Kbps (Mono), to keep file size at a minimum without sacrificing too much quality. The files were recorded directly off the Senate website feed.

Introduction - 2:10 - 889k
Opening Statement by Sen. John McCain

Sen. Sam Brownback - 9:17 - 3.71MB
Testimony by Sen. Sam Brownback, Sponsor of resolution

Panel I - 33:30 - 13.4MB
Testimony and questions and answers with:
Tex Hall, President, National Congress of American Indians
Ed Thomas, President, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Tribes
Dr. Negiel Bigpond Sr., President, Two Rivers Native American Training Center

Complete Hearing - 44:57 - 18.0MB
The entire hearing in one file.

Other Links
S.J.RES.15: Apology Resolution | Witness List/Testimony | Real Video: Full Hearing

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