Judge threatens Chippewa group with contempt

The Little Shell Pembina Band of North America, a self-proclaimed tribe of Chippewa Indians, has been warned not to try to enforce its tribal court rulings.

U.S. District Judge Garr M. King in Oregon said the band was more than welcome to hold its own trials and issue judgments. But she said she would hold its officials in contempt if they tried to enforce the rulings.

The Little Shell Pembina Band claims descent from Chippewa Chief Little Shell. However, the group is not affiliated with the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe of Montana, whose legitimacy is embraced by other tribes and the state, and whose federal recognition has been given a favorable review by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and by the courts.

The Little Shell Pembina Band has been accused more than once of using its alleged sovereign status to skirt laws. The Anti-Defamation League has labeled the group "extremist." [ADL website].

Get the Story:
Self-proclaimed court can't enforce rulings, federal judge decides (The Oregonian 5/20)

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