Tribe to speak out against raising of Shasta Dam

A leader of the unrecognized Winnemem Wintu Tribe of California will speak out against the proposed raising of Shasta Dam at a public forum on Friday.

CalFed, a state-federal agency, wants to raise the dam 16 feet or more to raise the capacity of Shasta Lake. Supporters, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), say the plan will provide more water to the state.

The tribe opposes the move, saying it will flood sacred sites and ancient villages. Headman Mark Franco says local landowners will also lose land, something he says the government isn't telling them.

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Raising of dam will be focus (The Redding Record-Searchlight 5/18)

Relevant Links:
Winnemum Wintu Tribe - http://www.winnememwintu.us
CalFed - http://calwater.ca.gov

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