Jury awards damages in state raid of reservation

A federal jury in Rhode Island awarded $301,100 in damages to a member of the Narragansett Tribe on Monday for excessive force by a state trooper who participated in a controversial raid of the reservation.

The jury delivered the verdict against state Trooper Kenneth Jones, who broke Adam Jennings' ankle during the July 14, 2003, raid of the tribe's smokeshop. The state is expected to pay the damages.

The jury cleared two other troopers accused of excessive force and said they were not liable. Also, the judge handling the case dropped charges against three other officers.

Get the Story:
Jury finds against trooper (The Providence Journal 3/29)
Split verdict in smokeshop raid trial (AP 3/29)

Relevant Links:
Narragansett Tribe -
Smoke Shop Showdown -

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