City urged not to build on top of ancient village

The city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, is being urged not to move forward with a new civic center because the site sits on top of a relatively undisturbed Pueblo village.

A city committee of archaeologists and the Museum of New Mexico's Office of Archaeological Studies says construction will harm the village, which dates between A.D. 1350 and 1400. Some remains have already been found there.

Tesuque Pueblo Gov. Mark Mitchell said the city should leave the village alone. He was upset that his tribe wasn't contacted about the find earlier. "We found out about this through the newspaper," he was quoted as saying.

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City Urged To Avoid Building on Indian Village Site (The Albuquerque Journal 2/18)

Relevant Links:
Museum of New Mexico - http://www.museumofnewmexico.org

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A href="/News/2005/006549.asp">No construction recommended atop ancient village (2/16)