USET holding Impact Week meeting in Washington

The United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) kicks off its annual "Impact Week" meeting in the Washington, D.C., area today.

Gaming, education, health, law enforcement, the 109th Congress and a number of other topics are on the agenda. Several lawmakers including Rep. Dale Kildee (D-Michigan) and federal officials including K. Dane Snowden of the Federal Communications Commission are scheduled to speak to tribal leaders.

One of the more interesting topics is a presentation on "reservation shopping." Deron Marquez, chairman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians from California, and Keller George, president of USET, will discuss the growing trend of tribes seeking casinos far away from existing reservations, sometimes in other states.

The meeting runs until Friday and includes a Capitol Hill reception, arts and crafts booths. It takes place at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.

USET represents 24 federally recognized tribes from Maine to Florida to Texas. The organization is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee.

Relevant Links:
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