Opinion: Native leaders wrong to criticize officer
Friday, February 4, 2005

" Just so there's no confusion on the matter, the shooting death this week of Matthew Adam Dumas by a Winnipeg police officer is being investigated as a homicide. A homicide like any other homicide, actually -- where detectives interview eye witnesses, assemble videotaped statements and gather evidence relevant to the case.
It makes no difference that it was a cop who pulled the trigger. Homicide detectives are investigating it as they would any other homicide.
And think about this: will the aboriginal groups who are crying foul today about the shooting go to bat for the cop -- who happens to be Metis -- if he's cleared?
After all, under Canada's Constitution, aboriginals include 'the Indian, Inuit and Metis peoples of Canada.'
Shouldn't these aboriginal groups support a Metis cop who's been falsely accused of a racially motivated shooting?
That would be the day."
Get the Story:
Tom Brodbeck: Find facts first, then judge case
(The Winnipeg Sun 2/3)
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