Conservative Republican activist Ralph Reed says he is cooperating with Sen. John McCain's probe into disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Reed's name has surfaced several times at McCain and the Senate Indian Affairs Committee have probed the activities of Abramoff. Documents show Reed was hired to oppose tribes but was paid with tribal gaming money. "My firm was highly effective and did well," Reed said at the University of Miami yesterday, The Hurricane campus newspaper reported. "Any attempt to associate me with any wrongdoing is guilt by association. We've been happy to cooperate with Senator McCain and all who are looking into the matter." During the 2000 Republican presidential primary, Reed opposed McCain and supported George W. Bush. Reed is now running for lieutenant governor of Georgia. Get the Story:
Republican leader speaks on values, sparks protest (The University of Miami Hurricane 11/15)
Casey assails Santorum's tie to lobbyists (The Philadelphia Inquirer 11/15)
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Century Strategies - http://www.censtrat.com Related Stories:
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