A federal judge allowed child welfare officials in Pennsylvania to take custody of the newborn son of a man who claims to be an Indian chief.
Schuylkill County placed the boy in a foster home. Officials say the child isn't safe because the father, DaiShin WolfHawk, is a former sex offender who was convicted of abuse more than 20 years ago.
DaiShin WolfHawk, 53, claims to be the chief of the Unole E Quoni Tribe, an unrecognized group. He is married to Melissa WolfHawk, 31, who gave birth to the boy last Tuesday. The two are currently living apart due to the custody fight. Melissa attended Friday's court hearing with a man named "Red Deer" who was wearing "American Indian jewelry and knee-high fringed leather boots," The Allentown Morning Call reported.
The judge gave temporary custody to the county and said he would decide on permanent custody after he holding a hearing later this month.
Get the Story:
Schuylkill takes WolfHawk baby boy
(The Allentown Morning Call 10/22)
Officials seize sex offender's baby (AP 10/22)
Judge to determine custody of boy (The Scranton Times 10/22)
Officials Remove Newborn Over Father's Abuse Case (The New York Times 10/22)
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