DeLay is accused of illegally injecting corporate money into state elections. He allegedly used the Republican National Committee to shift $190,000 to Republican candidates.
DeLay has already been indicted on conspiracy to violate state election law for the same fund-raising effort. On Monday, his lawyers sought to dismiss the charge. House rules forced DeLay to step aside as House majority leader. He has vowed to return to power once he is cleared of the charges. Get the Story:DeLay Is Indicted on Two New Charges (The Washington Post 10/4)
Second Indictment Issued Against DeLay (The New York Times 10/4)
DeLay Faces Second Indictment in Texas Campaign-Finance Case (Bloomberg News 10/4) Relevant Links:
Rep. Tom DeLay - http://tomdelay.house.gov Related Stories:
DeLay steps aside after being indicted in Texas (9/29)
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