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Editorial: BLM's hypocrisy on tribe's sacred site

"We happen to agree with the BLM that these well-intended monuments are inappropriate on public lands, lest the entire countryside be littered with shrines. For the same reason NDOT ought to follow the BLM's lead and remove roadside death markers.

That said, the Paiute-Shoshone Tribe's objection to the Sand Mountain monuments on grounds the area holds some sacred meaning strikes us as a bit hypocritical. No doubt the families who erected these monuments also see Sand Mountain as a sacred place. Consequently, they likely see the BLM's rationale supporting the tribe's "sacred ground" as the application of a double standard.

This is another example of the folly of allowing sacred/religious symbols to be placed on public property. Once headed down this path it is pretty hard to turn back without offending someone's sensibilities."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Sand Mountain illustrates folly of sacred markers (The Lahontan Valley News 8/16)

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