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Wisconsin governor signs consultation policies

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle (D) signed a series of policies on Tuesday requiring 12 state agencies to consult the 11 federally recognized tribes.

The goal is to resolve policy disputes, improve state-tribal relations and correct for past problems, Doyle said. He was joined at the signing ceremony by representatives of all the tribes.

A year after taking office, Doyle in January 2004 issued a tribal consultation executive order. The 12 state cabinet agencies then worked with the tribes to develop agency-specific policies.

Get the Story:
State agencies must consult with tribes under new policies signed by Gov. Doyle (The LaCrosse Tribune 6/29)
Governor Doyle Signs State-Tribal Consultation Policies to Improve Relationship Between State and Wisconsin�s 11 Sovereign Tribal Nations (Gov. Doyle 6/28)