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Congressional reports now online free of charge

The Center for Democracy and Technology has created a website featuring hard-to-get reports created by the taxpayer-funded Congressional Research Service.

The searchable site at contains 8073 reports. Some of them are hosted by the center while others are hosted elsewhere.

Among the tribal-related reports available are:
Indian Trust Land Acquisition January 01, 1997
United States v. Billy Jo Lara and Tribal Sovereignty Over Nonmember Indians December 18, 2003
Violence Against Women Act: History and Federal Funding
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Controversies for the 108th Congress September 29, 2004 March 18, 2005

CRS, part of the Library of Congress, is the $100 million public policy research arm of Congress. Most of its reports are not available to the public unless provided by members of Congress.

Get the Story:
Hard-to-Get Policy Briefings For Congress Are Now Online (The Washington Post 6/28)

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