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Letter: Are Indians American? Congress needs to act

"We are in 2005, and Congress needs to settle the matter for modern, 2005 America: Are Indians (or native Americans � the word Indian seems to be used when talking about casinos) Americans? If so, make it official.

Are they a sovereign nation? This does not even make sense in terms of defense, etc.

Congress needs to make clear laws to address the needs of all people here today so that extortion via guilt and court cases can cease and everyone is working under the same laws.

Obviously not everyone will be happy with whatever Congress might do, but we have no other reasonable choice.

The alternative is a formal apartheid system in which everyone must establish genealogy to determine which set of laws applies to that person."

Get the Story:
Earl M. Rodd: Congress needs to settle issues raised by Indian claims in Ohio (The Canton Repository 5/18)