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Spending act includes new language on contracting

The House and Senate have each passed an $82 billion emergency war-spending bill that contains new language on minority contracting.

The Senate version had contained a rider that could have limited contracts to Alaska Native corporation. But the final bill passed yesterday instead directs the Department of Energy and the Small Business Administration to "enter into a memorandum of understanding setting forth an appropriate methodology for measuring the achievement of the Department of Energy with respect to awarding contracts to small businesses."

The language also directs DOE, SBA, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and the National Nuclear Security Administration to study potential changes to the system. And starting in fiscal year 2007, DOE is required to consider new criteria in awarding prime contracts.

The language can be found in Section 6022 "SMALL BUSINESS CONTRACTING" of joint House-Senate conference committee report [PDF]. The measure goes to President Bush for his approval.

Get the Story:
Congress Approves $82 Billion for Wars (The Washington Post 5/11)
Congress Approves Financing to Fight Wars and Terrorism (The New York Times 5/11)

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Relevant Links:
Chugach Alaska Corp -
Native American Contractors Association -

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