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Gravely ill Native boy needs costly medication

A gravely ill Native boy who suffers from a rare disease doesn't have any money to pay for his costly medication.

Mackenzie Olsen, 10, was receiving an experimental drug called Aldurazyme for three years under a medical trial. But the trial ended two months ago and his family can't afford to pay the $17,000 a week for the medication. The Siksika First Nation in Saskatchewan and another tribe from the Yukon gave donations to help the family but the money ran out last week.

The dispute has provincial and federal officials blaming each other over who should pick up the costs. Canada's Health Minister is promising a decision by Thursday.

Get the Story:
Dosanjh pledges to help ill aboriginal boy (CBC 5/3)
Sick child offered help to buy drug (CP 5/3)
Dosanjh vows to reach deal for sick boy's drugs (CTV 5/2)