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Federal Recognition
Non-recognized tribes battle for state housing funds

A battle is brewing in California as non-recognized tribes battle for a share of state housing funds.

Calaveras County officials are asking for $500,000 in housing aid. The money would be used to renovate housing of the Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians and the Mountain Miwuk Indian Council.

Neither tribe is federally recognized although the Calaveras Band has been identified as a tribe by the state. But Deborah Grimes, a member of the Calaveras Band, questions whether the Mountain Miwuks are really Indian, as does her non-Indian father.

"If you're going to be Indian, you dang well better be able to prove it," said Leonard Grimes, whose wife is Indian, The Union Democrat reported.

At issue is how the state identifies tribes. The only requirement appears to be that at least 51 percent of tribal members self-identify as Indian.

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Tribes feud over state housing funds (The Union Democrat 4/7)