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Musqueam Band signs treaty framework after 12 years

After 12 years of negotiations, the Musqueam Indian Band of British Columbia has signed a treaty framework with the Canadian and provincial governments.

But Musqueam Chief Ernie Campbell said the government must act in good faith if the treaty process is to continue. A B.C. court had to halt the sale of Musqueam traditional land because the band hasn't been consulted.

The band owns some of most prized real estate in Vancouver and its traditional lands include expensive properties.

Get the Story:
Musqueam chief issues warning (CBC 4/4)
Treaty deal took 12 years to reach (CP 4/4)

Court Decision:
Musqueam Indian Band v. British Columbia (March 7, 2005)

Relevant Links:
Musqueam Indian Band -

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First Nation wins decision in treaty rights case (03/08)