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Federal Recognition
Two South Carolina tribes win state recognition

Two tribes won recognition from the state of South Carolina on Thursday.

The state's Commission for Minority Affairs voted in favor of the Waccamaw Indian People and the Pee Dee Nation. Members of both tribes were ecstatic.

�I don�t have to prove who I am anymore," Pee Dee Chief Carolyn Chavis Bolton was quoted as saying.

The commission acted on four other groups that sought recognition. The Eastern Cherokees and the Wassamasaw Tribe were designated as Indian groups but did not win recognition. The Chaloklowa Chickasaw Indian People and the Fields Indian Family-Pine Hill Indians were rejected outright.

The Catawba Nation is South Carolina's only federally recognized tribe.

Get the Story:
Native Americans claim birthright (The State 2/18)
S.C. recognizes Waccamaw tribe (The Myrtle Beach Sun News 2/18)
Two American Indian tribes receive SC recognition (AP 2/17)

Relevant Links:
South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs -

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Editorial: Nothing to fear with state recognition (12/01)
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