Chickasaw Nation campaign donation criticized (April 23, 2004)

Bob Anthony, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, says his rival Kirk Humphreys should return a $4,000 donation from the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma. $P Humphreys scoffed at the idea of returning the money. The Chickasaw Nation is the largest...

Bid to lower Navajo blood quantum rejected (April 23, 2004)

A proposal that could have doubled the enrollment of the largest tribe in the country was rejected on Thursday by the Navajo Nation Council. Council delegate Ervin Keeswood sponsored the legislation to lower the tribe's one-fourth blood quantum requirement to...

Family agrees to mediation in BIA drunk driving suit (April 23, 2004)

The family of a Nebraska coupled killed in a drunk driving crash involving an ex-Bureau of Indian Affairs employee agreed to mediate the damage award. $p A federal judge said the BIA was liable for 40 percent of any award...

Navajo homeless men claim assault by white youth (April 23, 2004)

Does the practice of "rolling" Indians still take place in Farmington, New Mexico? Some Navajo homeless men say it does. $p The men claim that white youth victimize them on the streets. They say they are assaulted with rocks, pellet...

S.D. court rejects Hicks defense in police chase (April 23, 2004)

The South Dakota Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a county deputy had no right to pursue a drive accused of a traffic violation onto the Pine Ridge Reservation. $p The state claimed the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Nevada...

ACLU rests case in Indian voting rights trial (April 23, 2004)

The American Civil Liberties Union called its final witness in a case accusing the state of South Dakota of violating the voting rights of American Indians. $p Elsie Meeks, an Oglala Lakota, testified of discrimination faced by Indian voters. She...

Chumash Tribe's land-into-trust request opposed (April 23, 2004)

The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians has asked the Bureau of Indian Affairs to place 6.9 acres into trust. $p The California tribe plans to use the land fro a 41,925-square-foot, two-story museum, cultural center and gift shop. The...

Aquash to be reburied on home reserve in Canada (April 23, 2004)

American Indian Movement activist Anna Mae Pictou Aquash will be reburied on her home reserve in Canada. $p Aquash was born on the Mi'kmaq Shubenacadie Reserve in Nova Scotia. Her family exhumed her body from a cemetery on the Pine...

Anti-Daschle ad ties bill to Indian unemployment (April 23, 2004)

A television ad sponsored by the Coalition For The Future American Worker accuses Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) of ignoring the high unemployment rate of Native Americans in South Dakota. $P Daschle sponsored a bill with Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) affecting...

Narragansett Tribe adds two officers to police force (April 23, 2004)

The Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island installed two officers to its police force on Thursday at a ceremony attended by local police departments. $P Chief Sachem Matthew Thomas said the tribe's relationship with local law enforcement is improving. Last July,...

First Nations object to land development plan (April 23, 2004)

A ceremony for a land development plan in Winnipeg, Manitoba, was hindered on Thursday when half of the First Nations leaders refused to sign. $p The government invited 16 First Nations to approve the plan covering development on the east...

Student helps Peruvian tribe protect territory (April 23, 2004)

A student from St. Andrews University in Scotland is helping the Nahua Tribe of Peru protect its territory. $p The tribe is fighting oil development and other encroachments. Conrad Feather helps the tribe develop maps to show ties to traditional...

Inspector general investigates Schaghticoke decision (April 23, 2004)

The Department of Interior's Inspector General has interviewed Connecticut attorney general Richard Blumenthal and at least one local official as part of its probe into the recognition of the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation. $p The state contends lobbying and gaming money...

Appeals court hears Eastern Pequot recognition suit (April 23, 2004)

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments on Thursday in the state of Connecticut's challenge to the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation's federal recognition. $p The lawsuit centers over a deadline former assistant secretary Kevin Gover imposed in February...

Oglala Sioux Tribe develops West Nile Virus plan (April 23, 2004)

The Oglala Sioux Tribe of South Dakota has developed a plan to fight the West Nile Virus, which killed two tribal members recently and has hit other reservations. $p The tribe will use a $100,000 state block grant to address...

Review: First American Art at NMAI in New York (April 23, 2004)

"Can a carved and painted Native American mask from the 19th century provide the same aesthetic frisson as, say, a 20th-century Modernist work? By the standards of Charles and Valerie Diker, longtime collectors, yes indeed. In their Manhattan apartment they...

Narragansett Tribe working on deal to pay taxes (April 23, 2004)

The Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island is negotiating the payment of nearly $79,000 in property taxes owed to the town of Charlestown. $p The tribe says it will pay the outstanding tax bill. Tribal officials offered a proposal to the...

CDC warns of heart attack from secondhand smoke (April 23, 2004)

In a study published in the British Medical Journal today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that secondhand smoke can significantly increase the risk of heart attack. $p The CDC looked at the number of heart attacks in...