Cheyenne-Arapaho members protest inaction on trust

Members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma protested the tribal council's failure to distribute a $2.3 million trust fund.

The Oklahoman reported that council member Vinita Sankey was the only holdout on a letter that would allow distribution of the fund. Sankey was reportedly concerned about people who weren't on the membership roll and wouldn't get a share of the oil and gas revenues.

But elderly tribal members blasted Sankey for holding out, saying they wouldn't have enough money for Christmas. Later, the Bureau of Indian Affairs released the money, sending about $188 for each member.

The tribe has been in turmoil in recent months due to an ongoing investigation into the handling of casino funds. The council hasn't met all year but a tribal judge ordered the body to convene.

Get the Story:
Protest urges trust fund distribution (The Oklahoman 12/4)
Judge orders meeting of tribal council (The Oklahoman 12/4)

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