Mural of revered Native veteran vandalized

A mural depicting Tommy Prince, Canada's most decorated Native veteran, has been vandalized.

Vandals appear to have singled out the painting of Sgt. Tommy Prince in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Other murals nearby weren't touched.

Prince, who was born in 1915, was a member of the Brokenhead First Nation in Manitoba. He enlisted in the service even after being denied several times based on his race. He served in World War II, earning him Canadian and U.S. medals

Prince re-joined the service to fight in the Korean War due to discrimination he faced at home. Despite fighting for his country, he wasn't allowed to vote or receive veterans benefits and had trouble finding a job. He served two tours in Korea, earning several moral medals.

Prince died in 1977.

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Tommy Prince mural vandalized (CBC 11/19)

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