Indian Eddie: Kerry is Indian Country's best choice

"One big reason we're hearing so much campaign rhetoric concerning American Indians this year is because swing-state New Mexico has a large number of eligible American Indian voters.

But regardless of who's showed up here more often, blowing smoke about health care, sovereignty or self-determination, Kerry is the better choice for Indians.

Detrimental effects of the Bush administration can be seen right here in Albuquerque, at 801 Vassar Drive. N.E. That's the address of the local Indian Health Service clinic and probably the future site of a parking lot, if someone doesn't chase the Republicans out of the White House.

The U.S. government is obligated under treaty to fully fund health and education services to Indians. Yet, because of IHS funding that continues to shrink under Bush, services are being lost. A $5 million deficit in Albuquerque alone has forced the proposed cutting of most of the Albuquerque clinic's 13 doctors and half of the 143 workers.

In South Dakota, an economic program started by President Clinton to help an Oglala Sioux reservation in Pine Ridge had its grant cut by the Bush administration."

Get the Story:
Eddie Chuculate: The better choice: Indians at least have promises from Kerry; from Bush, cutbacks (The Albuquerque Tribune 10/27)

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