Telescope site opposed by tribes to be dedicated

A telescope located atop a sacred mountain in Arizona will be dedicated on Friday although it is not yet complete.

Tribes in the Southwest, most notably the San Carlos Apache and the White Mountain Apache, have fought the project for decades. They say the $120 million observatory will desecrate Mount Graham, one of the most sacred places in Apache religion.

The leader of the project is the University of Arizona. Other schools are part of a consortium that has bought time to use the observatory.

Mount Graham used to be part of the San Carlos Apache Reservation but is now in federal ownership. It is the home of the Apache Mountain Spirit Dancers.

Get the Story:
Mt. Graham to be officially dedicated Fri. (The Arizona Daily Wildcat 10/13)

Relevant Links:
Mount Graham Coalition - http://www.mountgraham.org
Mt. Graham International Observatory - http://mgpc3.as.arizona.edu