Editorial: Campbell's two words of mischief in NAGPRA

"What a great deal of mischief two little words can work.

The two little words are "or was," and Colorado Republican Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell is doing the mischief with an attempt to insert them into the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act so that any ancient skeleton can be claimed by modern American Indian tribes even though they have no known connection to the remains.

Why is this revision such a mistake? Because it could significantly reduce - and perhaps cripple - legitimate scientific inquiry into the origins of human settlement in the Western Hemisphere. The retiring Campbell apparently hopes that one of his last acts in Congress will be to undermine the sort of vital study that is undertaken in virtually every other region of the globe."

Get the Story:
Editorial: Campbell's assault on science (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 10/13)

Relevant Documents:
S.2843 | Public Law 101-601: NAGPRA | Senate Testimony | 2004 NAGPRA Report

Court Decision:
BONNICHSEN v. US (February 4, 2004)

Relevant Links:
Kennewick Man, Department of Interior - http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/kennewick
Friends of America's Past - http://www.friendsofpast.org
Kennewick Man Virtual Interpretive Center, The Tri-City (Washington) Herald - http://www.kennewick-man.com

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