Lewis and Clark re-enactors run into problems

A group of Lewis and Clark re-enactors were threatened with physical violence as they made their way into Lakota country, according to National Geographic News.

Alex White Plume and others from the Pine Ridge Reservation opposed the group's presence. They came to the re-enactment camp on the Missouri River carrying a banner that read "Why celebrate genocide?"

According to National Geographic News, White Plume and his followers said they would shoot bows and arrows on the re-enactors, try to sink their ships or even hurt them. In the end, nothing happened.

The situation mirrored Lewis and Clark's encounter with the Lakota two hundred years ago.The Teton Sioux controlled the Missouri River at the time and tried to stop the expedition from going forward.

Get the Story:
Reliving Lewis and Clark: Conflicts With the Sioux (National Geographic News 10/4)

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