Election might add diversity to Senate makeup

There are only three minorities in the U.S. Senate and one of them -- Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado), the only American Indian in the chamber -- is retiring.

But depending on the election goes this November, Colorado attorney general Ken Salazar, a Hispanic, may replace him. There have only been three Hispanic members of the Senate, all from New Mexico.

Rep. Brad Carson (D-Oklahoma) would be the only Indian in the Senate if he wins the election. Polls show him in a close race with former Congressman Tom Coburn, a Republican.

One African-American will definitely be elected from Illinois. It will either be Democratic state legislator Barack Obama or former ambassador Alan Keyes, a Republican.

There are currently 14 women in the Senate. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) is facing a tight fight against former Alaska governor Tony Knowles, a Democrat.

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Senate May Be More Diverse After Election (AP 10/5)