Opinion: Bush the right choice for Indian Country

"American Indians should vote for President Bush because we are a conservative people and he is the conservative choice.

Political affiliation notwithstanding, traditionally, American Indians are conservative. The things that are important to us include family, community standards, conservation, small government, reverence for the past, gratitude for the present and respect for the future. These are conservative to the core, each and every one.

Despite this, Indian country largely belongs to the Democrats, and with good reason: After the Civil War, Democrats actively embraced Indian country."

Get the Story:
Rod Van Mechelen: Republicans better represent American Indians' conservative values (The Duluth News-Tribune 8/16)
Tim Giago: Are American Indians reliable voters for the Democrats? (The Duluth News-Tribune 8/16)

Relevant Links:
Native American Coalition to Re‑elect President George W. Bush - http://www.conservativeair.com

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