Tribal colleges awarded millions in federal grants

Tribal colleges across the United States have been awarded millions in grants by the Department of Education.

"President Bush and I believe the nation's tribal colleges and universities play an important role in the rich traditions of the Indian people," Education Secretary Paige said. "That's why the President created the White House Initiative on Tribal Colleges and Universities-to help these institutions preserve their cultural traditions and ensure they have the same access to federal programs as other schools. These grants will help tribal colleges and universities open doors of opportunity for more students."

The grants will be used for various purposes, including new classrooms, new student facilities, new technology and wellness centers and faculty and support services.

The recipients include:
Blackfeet Community College, Montana - $3.1 million
Stone Child College, Montana - $1.4 million
Fort Belknap College, Montana - $1.2 million
Leech Lake Tribal College, Minnesota - $1.2 million
Institute of American Indian Arts, New Mexico - $500,000
Crown Point Institute of Technology, New Mexico - $1.4 million
Sitting Bull College, South Dakota - $4 million
Sisseton Wahpeton College, South Dakota - $861,722
Cankdeska Cikana Community College, North Dakota - $425,826
United Tribes Technical College, North Dakota - $1.2 million

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Tribal colleges to share millions in grant money (AP 8/6)

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