Russell Means not welcome as Republican either

A month after saying he was ready to give up on the Republican Party, American Indian Movement activist Russell Means says the party has given up on him.

Means claims Senate candidate John Thune has not responded to his offers of support. "I honestly tried to be a Republican, but they didn't want me," he told the Associated Press.

Thune said his campaign has not rejected Means but that he doesn't have enough money to follow all of Means' suggestions for attracting Indian voters. "I guess I take issue with the notion there hasn't been communication, because we've been trying to continually work with him throughout the process," he was quoted as saying.

According to the AP, Means wanted Thune to focus on black mold in reservation housing, bring actors to the state to campaign and invited a doctor to study health issues on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

Get the Story:
Means: Thune campaign rejecting offers of help (AP 7/30)

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