Missing Native girl exposes racial divide

Hundreds of tips have been generated in the case of a five-year-old Native girl who has been missing since July 2.

Tamra Keepness has been featured on America's Most Wanted web site. The show might film a segment on her disappearance. More information can be found at

Tamra lived in a poor, mostly Native part of Regina, Saskatchewan. Police have called off the search for her, and have turned their focus to the family. Police say people with criminal pasts were in and out of the family home the night she was last seen.

Although Saskatchewan has one of the highest Native populations in Canada, tensions between Natives and non-Natives have festered in recent years. Natives are 9 percent of the population in Regina.

Volunteers from the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations have continued to search for Tamra despite the lack of police support.

Get the Story:
Missing Regina girl puts focus on city's two racial solitudes (The Globe and Mail 7/19)
Tamra's story on America's Most Wanted website (CBC 7/16)

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