Former Navajo cop honored for close call 20 years ago

Delphina Collins-Apodaca, a former Navajo Nation police officer, is finally being recognized for her handling of an incident 20 years ago that nearly killed her.

On April 6, 1980, Collins-Apodaca responded to a call from a man who was threatening to commit suicide. She ended up being held hostage for several hours.

The incident ended when the man, Jonathan Devore, began to experience pains. Sensing he needed medical attention, Collins-Apodaca diffused the situation and got him to a hospital.

"Jesus must have been looking over me," she tells The Gallup Independent.

Collins-Apodaca told her boss she was resigning that day, but stayed on the force for several more years. This week, she finally received a certificate and medal from the police department.

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Cop honored for actions 20 years ago (The Gallup Independent 7/17)